Dear Neuroscience :: From Visual Effects
‘My personal opinion is the special sauce is something that creates a personal connection between the CGI and the viewer. Something that touches a nerve.’ –...
Bits of this and that. Posts are grouped by category below.
‘My personal opinion is the special sauce is something that creates a personal connection between the CGI and the viewer. Something that touches a nerve.’ –...
a lingering taste of loneliness and regret
The weather here is not what I expected.
I was recently asked to join the scientific committee for the British Brain Bee!
Vigilante Intergalactic Roustabout Scholars – or, education piracy
They are the Benevolent Farmer and the First VIRS. They are the Architect and the Engineer.
Character sketches of the Architect and the Engineer
Mostly a thinly-veiled rant about public education and teaching as an occupation in the US
let’s connect it back to places real
A little flock of birds live in a walking structure